Music and sound can be a very powerful transformational tool for the human body and soul. However, information has come to light in recent years our modern day musical scale has been robbed of its vast potential for healing and transformation, and there was once an even more powerful, time-honored tonal scale known as, the "original Solfeggio frequencies."
These original Solfeggio frequencies, still have the capacity to transform your life in miraculous ways. Their origins date back to ancient times when they were sung in the Gregorian chants during religious ceremonies in churches of that time period. But strangely, around 1050 AD, they mysteriously disappeared, presumably lost forever.
These chants contained special tones or frequencies which, when sung in harmony, and in Latin, were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings during religious masses. Apparently, the combination of these sacred tones and the Latin intonation, had the power to penetrate deep into the recesses of the subconscious mind and promote great healing and transformation.
The Solfeggio frequencies contain the six pure tonal notes which were once used to make up the ancient musical scale, until, it has been presumed, they were altered by the Catholic Church and Pope Gregory I, (better known as "Gregory the Great"), who served from 590 to 604 AD. The Church claims they have "lost" 152 of these amazing ancient Gregorian chants, but more than likely, they have been purposely locked away in the bowels of the Vatican archives.
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